duminică, 21 noiembrie 2010


Just finished watching 2 & a half men...all seasons. What now?
Si iata-ma intr-o alta seara de sambata, acasa, ascultand catelul cum sforaie la picioarele mele. Nu, ca trebuie sa ma scot din starea asta de vegetatie, imi zic.
I'm gonna do my hair, put on a lot of make-up & some fancy outfit, wake up the dog, get in the car and at least drive my ass somewhere in town for a half an hour, feel naughty, unavailable & pretty while the dog drools all over my back seats & windows and no sane person would even dare to get near my car, then get back home and crash. Great plan, right?
Pun niste muzica si incep procesul de scoatere de sine din casa.
Ma zbengui prin casa, self confident & shit, imi intind, incretesc si iar intind parul pana ma asigur ca arata ingrozitor, apoi imi spun ca uneori ingrozitor e ok, cotrobai prin sifonier, si exact cand ma indreptam spre catel sa-l fericesc ca mergem pe undeva, incepe melodia asta:
Ducu Bertzi - M am indragostit numai de ea

...din playlistu` cu dedicatie de la XVI.

Pe cine mint? Nu plec nicaieri. Ma asez langa catel si rad singura. Il scarpin juma` de ora, ca l-am amagit in mintea mea cu "plimbare, plimbare" :)
It's just like i hooked up with a ghost and it keeps haunting me.
I'll open up a bottle of wine, get a blanket, open the window and simply stare at the foggy night.

Cheers, love!

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