miercuri, 31 august 2011

imi place ambiguu... dar nu foarte.

Din blogul asta poti deduce un milion de chestii si automat e foarte posibil sa te inseli in nenumarate privinte. Cam asta era si ideea. De asta nu ma semnez cu Nume Prenume. Exista insa si cateva persoane la care tin foarte mult si care continua sa interpreteze dupa bunul plac diverse chestii, in ciuda faptului ca sunt total transparenta in viata de zi cu zi.

Pentru aceste persoane, clarific urmatoarele:

1. XVI fost iubirea vietii mele si orice alt barbat din viata mea va fi comparat cu el, in mod inevitabil. Ah da, si o sa urasc orice femeie care va incerca vreodata sa puna mana pe el.

2. Picioarele din poza erau ale lui Monsieur Diplomacy. Cred ca nici el nu stie asta, dormea cand am facut poza. Mi-a tot reprosat ca-l mint, ca eu sigur am nu stiu cate alte combinatii despre care refuz sa-i spun. Ei bine, nu am.

3. Diseara imi gateste texter. Texter nu face sex, ci doar pui indian cu curry. N-am niciun chef, de dimineata ma tot coiesc si caut motive sa ma sustrag de la aceasta activitate, dar am maaare nevoie de divertisment. O sa-l pun sa-mi povesteasca iar despre Scufita Rosie si Alba ca Zapada. Cu putin efort, rad pana adorm.


luni, 29 august 2011

delayed trips to the chocolate factory...

Dupa fazele cu nevasta-sa in urma carora eu m-am crizat la maxim si ca sa reintre in gratziile mele, texter a devenit furnizor de ciocolata Cadbury, poate vreti sa stiti ca relatia mea cu el has reached a new level:

I figured 'we' had gone to the next level recently. Getting to know each other right? Well... I'm looking forward to seeing you... thinking about you FAR TOO MUCH...last night you say you'll see me this week... and this morning you've got other things to do. Not complaining - I just do not want my feelings to continue to grow - if yours are doing nothing.
Apologies if this sounds all gay again!

Ma intreb la al catelea nivel isi imagineaza el ca facem sex...

joi, 25 august 2011

easier that I thought...

ipm says:
pai el vine cu windowsul tre sa il ai pe acolo pe undeva
stai 2 sec
I say:
ipm says:
I say:
shut up
ipm says:
u really know how to get to my heart :))
I say:
I say:
so... if u wanna get to a mans heart, show him your ass
quote of the day!
ipm says:
:))) true :))

miercuri, 24 august 2011

cant always be the master... but I do my best.

--- this is all in English cause at some point, he and/or his friends will be reading and I wanna make sure they get every word of it ---

So here I am, playing hard to get with this guy... He goes on telling me juicy stuff and I act all impressed though I didn't really care much, as usual. Long story. Some way or another, one day we both agree we should go out. I knew he had a meeting scheduled for next morning, therefore Tuesday night was off. But that didn't stop me acting like a spoiled brat, and so I start texting him "Babe... I'm sooo sad we couldn't spend this night together" bla bla (this is while I was actually out, minding my own business). As I expected, he said he had to wake up early in the morning, but he'd love to have me over for a glass of wine, the following night. My response was "Sorry, busy tomorrow, maybe sometime near Christmas". The next day, he was feeling so guilty for rejecting me, I almost felt bad for the guy. I was pretty sure that by midnight he's gonna beg me to come over. At exactly 10:07 pm, he starts emailing me about this red wine he just bought, which is way better than the last one we had, that he's all alone & it'd be so nice if I were there. Predictable so far. So I shave my legs, do my hair, put on some make up, get dressed and pack my things, then tell him "ok...I can be there in 20 minutes if thats ok with u" (it sounded like I didn't really wanted that, but I was willing to sacrifice myself). But the guy says "Relax, I'm good. See u on Christmas".
WAIT. Whaaaaat? For a second there (it felt like an eternity!) I was shocked & speechless. He simply cannot beat me at my own game!
Had a glass of wine, put on my pjs and after a half an hour I replied "Ok then, guess I'll watch some porn. Sleep well."
The guy went crazy. Lucky me, he doesn't know where I live so unexpected visits are unlikely to happen. Haha. Evil laugh's on me!

less hassle

Cu unii oameni pur si simplu nu ma pot intelege. Mi-e imposibil. Ce conversatii sa porti cu un om care te vede o data la cateva luni desi stati in acelasi bloc, si atunci te intreaba:
- Ce-ti mai face casa?
Bine, multumesc, tot acolo...te saluta si ea.
- Dar usile? Ce-ti fac usile?
Uite...ce sa faca si ele? Asteapta sa ajung eu acasa, am rezervata o jumatate de ora special pentru ele, in care le inchid si le deschid.
- Si cada? Cada ce-ti mai face?
.........Bule si spume, ce mama ma-sii poate sa faca o cada?

La polul opus, zilele trecute i-am scris mamei un mail interminabil in care ma smiorcaiam din pricina lui... aceluiasi. Saraca mama...

Sper ca poza cu picioarele care nu-i apartineau sa-i fi stricat macar ziua si sa-l tina departe de mine. Even though that makes me a cold heartless selfish bitch or whatever. Din motive inca nestiute de mine, asociate in mod eronat cu ceea ce se cheama iubire, eu nu am putut sta departe de el. Nevertheless, the hassle was worthless.

useful in bed

...depends on what you're counting.
I count sheep.

marți, 23 august 2011

marți, 16 august 2011


Coincidenta sau nu, in ziua in care spuneam ca vreau si eu un rus din asta care sa-mi povesteasca despre arme si sa ma fascineze, Monsieur Diplomacy se ducea la vanatoare. A doua zi primeam poze cu ceea ce fusese un urs. Deci da... genul meu de barbat exista. Doar ca il tin la distanta pt. ca sunt paranoica si nu mai vreau povesti triste.

In alta ordine de idei, dar avand acelasi gust usor amarui, am mancat nuci verzi in weekend. Dupa frecari intense cu diverse chestii abrazive si ineficiente, palma mea stanga e inca maro.

luni, 1 august 2011

am ajuns (cu) bine...

Una din fazele triste atunci cand nu esti combinat, e ca nu ai pe cine sa suni si sa-i spui ca ai ajuns cu bine la destinatie.
Am ajuns cu bine. Pup.
La film poti merge cu prietenii, la un cico tot asa, in concediu mergi cu parintii... Un milion de alte chestii incepi sa le faci de unul singur - sa gatesti, sa bei un pahar de vin, sa te uiti noaptea la filme de groaza, sa dansezi prin casa, sa-ti repari chiuveta, sa-ti cari singur bagajele, sa iti umfli o roata, sa stai 2 ore la spalatorie sau enshpe ore la politie cand te buseste vreun idiot... Uite asa apreciezi compania cuiva, in momentele in care te simti trist si lasat cu curul in balta.