joi, 17 martie 2011

world predictions

2016 - Europe is almost empty - hahaha pai cum o sa mai fac eu copii la 30 ani daca Europe o sa fie almost empty?
Raspunsul vine in 2018 - China becomes the new world power - Russell tells me I'm gonna have to hook up with a Chinese guy :))) I say they're all short, I like tall men. By that time maybe they grow up :))))
2028 - Development of a new energy source. Remember I was telling you something about a job in renewable energy? Guess I should cancel todays dinner with the guy, there's plenty of time till 2028...
Si... n-are rost sa citesc dupa anul 2046, pe la 65 mor. Sper sa fi apucat pana atunci sa investesc in "industria de fabricat organe", sa faca avere urmasii mei de pe urma mea.

miercuri, 16 martie 2011


Prima data cand citesc o carte la recomandarea cuiva.
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Absolut genial!

Nu o gasiti in librarii.
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vineri, 11 martie 2011

Long live men!

Men in my life taught me how to be a liar, a sinner and a shameless cheater.
I'm not to blame for who I am.
It's called adapting.

miercuri, 9 martie 2011

the F word

Texter is away for a couple of weeks and unfortunately, distance doesn't make him less of a jerk as I was hoping. He was in need of attention today (as i completely ignored him since he left) so we started talking. One thing led to another and I end up telling him I've been offered a job in renewable energy which I know nothing about, and I asked for his opinion. Here's the response:
A job proposal? That's cool. Does it mean you get more guys to fuck?
Besides the fact I don't see any connection between these two, I again ask myself why do guys continuously overestimate my sexual life?
Here's the thing, assholes: I'm single & I don't fuck around, I have a huge dog (and yes, that kinda keeps men away), I live in a single-chick-apartment, I sleep alone, I eat alone, I drink alone, I sometimes fuck alone!

miercuri, 2 martie 2011

format C(reier):

N-a fost prea fun statul cu bagajele semi-facute in usa, nestiind daca plec sau nu in croaziera pana in ultima zi, cand am dedus ca nu plec... asa ca am decis sa fac niste schimbari. Initial am vrut sa redecorez, dar m-am gandit mai bine
Asa ca, pentru inceput, mi-am dezinstalat obligatiile sentimentale create in mod stupid si uneori nejustificat fata de XVI.
Apoi, mi-am luat bilet de avion. Plec la Venetia!